Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Liam came to us one day last week and said he had a tooth loose (remember, he just lost his first one not too long ago). The next day we were eating and Luke complained about his tooth and said he thought his was loose too. I couldn't believe it, but then again, he got teeth at a much earlier age than Liam. Sure enough, his exact same tooth as Liam. It was practically falling out. Anyway, this morning I finally talked them in to pulling them out with some thread. Luke was very reluctant. He said he was wanting to wait until he was 6 (five weeks away!) so he could get more money. They get a dollar for each year old they are. I KNOW! It's robbery! But the ol tooth fairy does that for their friend across the street and he was so kind to share that information with my boys, so now tooth fairy feels compelled to do the same for them.... I finally remembered to take their picture before they went to bed.

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