Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 9, 2008

So Two

Lily is well.....two. What can I say? She's adorable one minute and a brat the next. Just now I was trying to get all the kids in bed. Lily got in to my purse and took out some gum (after I took a permanent marker away from her). I made her put the gum back and told her that she was not allowed to get things from my purse. I went to change the laundry over and she came along chewing on a piece of gum... from my purse. She said, "I got gum!" and smiled, so proud of herself. She got her first 'big girl' spanking after that comment. Which means she had to come to the kitchen and put her hands on the counter... I asked her to go to her room while I tucked the boys in and she screamed the whole time until I came in to her room. She's got the drama act down for sure. Whew! Girls are sure different... Here are a few pics of her being adorable. We took the side off of her bed so she could get in and out. Then she learned to open her door to her room, which lead to the garage, which leads to outside.... you get the picture. She loves her daddy, especially when he will 'nuggle her and read her books.

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