Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hip Hoppers

Since it has been so stinkin' hot outside, the kids have invented some things to play indoors. One of these is a dance party. They put in one of their favorite cds and dance and jump around the living room. For some reason, it includes removing shirts and putting on hats sideways. Lily comes running to me saying, "I want shir off!" Luke got out the video camera to get some footage. I'm so glad that he thought of it! We haven't done much video lately. School starts on Wednesday and I'm going to be sad when the boys aren't here. It makes my heart ache to know that most of their day will be spent away from me and I won't get to see every little thing they do and hear what they say. On the other hand, my house SHOULD stay a bit cleaner...

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