Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Okay, I haven't posted for a while. We've been really busy going and doing, what, I can't say... Anyway, here's a little recap of what we've been up to.

My sister-in-law Diane and I went to our other sister-in-law's baby shower. It's too bad the poor girl has so many friends, she had to sit and unwrap gifts for about an hour and a half! The father-to-be (Joel and Diane's brother) Neil dropped by just in time to load up gifts. Mary isn't fond of his fanny pack that he sometimes wears, but I felt that little baby Joel might need one too. You can see a picture of the proud papa trying it on. My mom and aunt Pam attended the shower too and afterwards we went to eat at P.F. Chang's. Yum!!

Next we did some miniature golfing with our church. Luke said, "Mommy, who's that brown guy that we watched on TV?" I guessed that it was Tiger Woods and he said that's is who he wanted to be. Luke and I both got a hole-in-one on the same hole!

On Sunday we had a welcome party for our new pastor, Tom Hopkins. We are all excited to have some one at the helm again and looking forward to some structure and changes in our church. I didn't get any pictures of this event as I forgot my camera. Can you imagine!?

Last night we attended the Tulsa State Fair. Yes, I know it was raining, but we went anyway. The first hour we did outdoors things since the rain was holding off. We watched a dog show and Lily was captivated. Next we went to the petting zoo, she loved that too. Once the rain started, we moved in doors and looked around at all the 'man' items. The boys climbed around in an ambulance and a semi truck then Joel and the boys went in to an exhibit of antique motorcycles.

That's it for now! Look for an update to the OFRT blog next week. The guys are going to Arkansas this weekend. Pray for a safe ride! Also, be looking for our family pictures in the next couple of weeks. If you want to see the first set, click on the link to the right for Foster Cryer. Go to his proofing area and you can see the Ferguson family pics. xo, S

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