Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hard to say good-bye

Well, here I am on the other side of my last night working at Hillcrest Labor and Delivery. How bittersweet! Honestly, I have been ready to quit WORK for a while now, but I wasn't prepared for how much I was going to miss the PEOPLE. They truly are the best nurses and dive in to help each other and me with the IVs at which I stink so badly! I actually shed some tears as I clocked out for the last time and got in to my car. However, as I was leaving the parking garage, some gal who was late for work was driving way too fast and almost hit me. That brought me back to reality!

Myself, Lacey, Becca, Laurie, Deb, Miss Pat, Jen (and baby on the way any day), Linda, Juanita, and Taber, plus some random doll baby

Laurie and Hillary in triage

After 8 years, there are so many people I will miss, so many memories that I will take with me, so many laughs, and so many gross things I won't even mention here! I wish that I'd have thought to get pictures of everyone. Alas, I only brought my camera on the last night therefore I have pictures of 1/3 of the people that I wish I had. I know that some of you Hillcrestians will read this, so email pictures you have of others from work so I can put them in my scrapbook, PLEASE!


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