Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Introducing...... Mr. Toothless

Yesterday was a huge day for Liam. He finally lost his first tooth. Everyone of his friends has started losing teeth forever ago. He was anxious to join them. He's had a jiggly tooth for weeks, but I couldn't get him to work on it. Last night I offered to pull it out with a string and he agreed, much to my surprise! I tied on a piece of dental floss and pulled on the count of two! The tooth came out easily and flew out so fast, it hit me in the knuckle and made it bleed! He bit me without the tooth in his head! The tooth fairy brings Anthony (see picture) our friend across the street a dollar for each year in age, so that's what the tooth fairy brought Liam. Now he is one tooth shorter, $7 richer, and soooo adorable!

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