Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Barbie house

Thirty plus years ago, my uncle Jeff built his daughter Heather a Barbie house. The house has had MANY miles put on it since then. Seth, Heather, and I played hours and hours with it at her house and then it came to ours as she grew out of it. Next, it went to stay with the Kerschen family and then to the Anthony elementary school. Finally it ended up back with Heather and Pam. Now that Lily is developing an interest in Barbies, it is back at our house. With all those years of play on it, you can imagine that the house was a bit worn. Joel's dad Darrell took it home for the week and gave it some much needed tlc in the form of a new roof, refurbished sides, paint and some caster wheels! We, I mean, the kids are having a blast playing with it. It is so fun to see them enjoy something that we enjoyed as children too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I come play? I'll bring my Barbies? Looks like fun =)