Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lily's word of the day

Okay, Luke hasn't said anything funny lately. Mostly he's been a pain in the rump.... We love him anyway! Lily, however, has been saying all sorts of new things. The most frequent, and annoying at this point, is 'mere' which of course means, come here. It's ususally high pitched and drawn out. It was only cute the first 72 times she said it.... She's learned that she likes to 'talk' on the phone which means you talk and she listens. On her play phone she will say, 'hel', 'hel', 'bye'. I'm trying to get her to say hellOOOO, but so far it just sounds like a bad word. We were talking to my 'niece' Abby on the phone the other night and Lily said, "I wanna hel." That meant, I want to say hello or talk on the phone. It's a lot cuter when she says it....

I've created an online gallery for my digital scrapbook layouts with a spot called scrap orchard. You can click on the link to the right and see the pages.
xoxoxo, S

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it sounds much cuter from Lily than from Samuel! We were driving home from church tonight in the downpour and something hit our car ... it startled us all and Samuel says "what the @#$#@# was that! REMEMBER I HAVE TOURETTES AND KEEP THE CAR ON THE ROAD!"

I didn't know if I should laugh, cry or wash the boys mouth out with soap! He waits till the day before he graduates from high school to let out his first foul word? WHILE I'M DRIVING?